International Baccalaureate (IB)

International Baccalaureate (IB)

An introduction to International Baccalaureate (IB)

Own Teacher

Name: Own Teacher


Created At: 18-11-2023

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a globally recognized educational program offering a comprehensive and rigorous curriculum for students aged 16 to 19. Key components include:

IB Diploma Programme:

  • A holistic, two-year program culminating in the IB Diploma, recognized by universities worldwide.


  • A balanced curriculum covering six subject groups, including languages, sciences, mathematics, individuals and societies, the arts, and an elective.

CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service):

  • Requires students to engage in extracurricular activities fostering creativity, physical well-being, and community service.

Extended Essay (EE):

  • A 4,000-word independent research project, encouraging in-depth exploration of a chosen topic.

Theory of Knowledge (TOK):

  • A critical thinking course exploring the nature of knowledge and its implications across disciplines.

IB Learner Profile:

  • Emphasizes attributes such as being principled, open-minded, reflective, and a communicator, fostering well-rounded individuals.


  • Internal and external assessments, including exams, coursework, oral presentations, and written assignments.

Higher Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL):

  • Students choose three subjects at either Higher Level (more in-depth) or Standard Level (less extensive), allowing for specialization.

Global Perspective:

  • Promotes international-mindedness and understanding through a global curriculum and diverse student body.

University Recognition:

  • Highly regarded by universities globally, often offering advanced standing or credit for IB Diploma holders.

Critical Thinking Emphasis:

  • Encourages critical thinking, research skills, and an inquiry-based approach to learning.


  • Emphasizes the development of language skills, supporting multilingualism and intercultural understanding.

The IB aims to develop intellectually curious, compassionate, and globally aware individuals who contribute positively to society. It provides a unique educational experience, fostering both academic excellence and personal growth.

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