What Is The Difference Between IGCSE Core & Extended?

What Is The Difference Between IGCSE Core & Extended?

An introduction to What Is The Difference Between IGCSE Core & Extended?

Own Teacher

Name: Own Teacher

Email: info@ownteacher.com

Created At: 15-11-2023

The IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) offers two levels: Core and Extended. The key differences lie in content coverage and exam difficulty.

Core Level:

  1. Designed for a wide range of abilities.
  2. Covers essential topics and fundamental concepts.
  3. Suitable for students with a standard level of understanding.
  4. Provides a foundation for further studies.
  5. Targets a wide range of abilities.
  6. Focuses on fundamental concepts and basic skills.

Extended Level:

  1. Geared towards higher-achieving students.
  2. In-depth coverage of topics, exploring more advanced concepts.
  3. Offers a broader and more challenging curriculum.
  4. Targets students aiming for higher academic achievements.
  5. Explores topics in greater depth, introducing advanced concepts.
  6. Requires a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
  7. Prepares students for more advanced academic pursuits.

The choice between Core and Extended depends on a student's proficiency and academic goals. Extended level often prepares students for more advanced courses and is recognized for its academic rigor.

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