What subjects necessary for IGCSE

What subjects necessary for IGCSE

An introduction to What subjects necessary for IGCSE

Own Teacher

Name: Own Teacher

Email: info@ownteacher.com

Created At: 18-11-2023

The necessary subjects for IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) typically include core subjects that provide a well-rounded education. These subjects are foundational and essential for various academic and career pathways:

English Language (Core):

  • Develops language skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

Mathematics (Core):

  • Covers fundamental mathematical concepts and skills, providing a basis for advanced study.

Science (Core):

  • Usually includes the three sciences - Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Some students may opt for Coordinated Science, covering aspects of all three.

Additional Compulsory Subjects:

  • Depending on the school or educational system, there may be additional compulsory subjects such as a second language or humanities.

Optional Elective Subjects:

  • Students often have the flexibility to choose additional subjects based on their interests and future aspirations. These may include languages, humanities, social sciences, arts, and more.


  • School or regional requirements may influence the specific subjects offered and mandatory choices.
  • Some universities and educational institutions may have specific subject requirements for admission.

It's crucial for students and educators to refer to the specific IGCSE curriculum documentation provided by Cambridge Assessment International Education or other relevant examination boards. This ensures accurate and up-to-date information regarding compulsory and elective subjects, as curriculum details may vary based on regional considerations and educational systems.

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