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** Why Choose Own Teacher? **

At Own Teacher, we understand the challenges and pressures students face with their studies. That’s why we’ve dedicated ourselves to providing a comprehensive and effective learning solution that caters to every student's unique needs. Here’s why you should choose us for your educational support:

1 : Expert Online Tutoring

Our team of professional tutors is not only qualified but also passionate about making learning accessible and enjoyable. They use personalized teaching methods to ensure every concept is clear and understandable.

2 : Homework and Assignment Help

Struggling with deadlines or tough problems? Our experts are here to assist you in completing your homework and assignments accurately and on time, reducing stress and improving your grades.

3 : Free Exam and Quiz Practice Portal

Preparation is key to success, and our free practice portal is designed to give you the edge you need. With a wide range of topics covered, you can practice as much as you want, whenever you want, without any cost.

4 : Quality and Commitment

At Own Teacher, we are committed to the highest standards of education. Our goal is to ensure that every student achieves academic excellence and gains confidence in their knowledge and abilities.

5 : Flexible and Accessible:

Learning should fit into your life, not the other way around. Our services are online, flexible, and designed to be accessible from anywhere and at any time, accommodating your schedule and learning pace.

Our Key Features

Our Top Tutors are dedicated to your success and will go the extra mile to help you achieve your full potential. Prepare for an enriching learning journey as they guide you towards transformative growth!

100% Accurate
Own Teacher is always committed for providing accurate solutions, answers to all homework questions/problems.Count on your OWN Teacher's unwavering commitment to deliver accurate and comprehensive solutions to all your homework questions and problems.
24*7 Available
You need homework help, especially when the deadline is close and you know you will miss it. For this reason, our subject matter experts provide 24×7 homework help services on the go. To connect you with our tutors, we have a 24×7 student helpline working round the clock, 365 days a year
We strive to make e-learning, homework help, exam help and assignment assistance accessible to all students and parents. Hence we offer affordable and cost-effective tutoring and homework help services. That is why we started this educational platform years ago. That is how it works even now and will continue to be in the future.
Plagiarism free solution
Own Teacher understands the need for plagiarism-free solutions, and we are committed to providing only 100% original and unique solutions to your problems. We have a strict policy of providing our clients (students) only original solutions. Our subject matter experts are well trained, and we take strict action if there is a deviation
Never miss deadline
The penalty for missing a homework/assignment deadline may be severe and cost you dearly with your grades.We understand the seriousness of deadlines and do everything to ensure you get all the solutions on time.
A grade teachers
Are you sick of mediocre tutors who are slow, lack knowledge and make too many mistakes? With us, get tutors from top universities and colleges. If you look at the profile of our tutors, you will find that most of them are from top-tier colleges

“Top tutors and top grades” is our motto

Our Top Tutors are dedicated to your success and will go the extra mile to help you achieve your full potential. Prepare for an enriching learning journey as they guide you towards transformative growth!

Say no when needed

We only accept what we are good at! Although we keep improving our quality, unless we feel we are good enough for the given task, we don’t accept it. Unlike our competitors, we don’t say yes all the time (only to retreat later).

Clearly understand requirements

Our 15 years of experience in test preparation, exam and homework help have taught us one of the primary reasons why a good tutor cannot provide correct solutions is “not understanding the requirements of the student.” Hence, we ask for lecture notes, sample papers, exact questions you want to solve during a session, any special instructions given by your professor/teacher, etc.

Our attitude towards quality

For us, quality is more important than money. This attitude helps us deliver high-quality solutions/answers that are accurate and as per the instructions given. Our love affair with quality makes it easy for us to get referrals; hence, our advertising cost is negligible. We get a majority of our clients through “word of mouth.”

Checking after every step

Humans, unlike robots, make mistakes. To reduce the occurrence of mistakes, we have a clear-cut policy in place. When a tutor solves a question or explains a concept, they verify their work after each step. It slows down the solution process but reduces the time needed to review the solutions.

Review before delivering the work

Even after the work is done carefully, as explained previously, the same tutor rechecks the solution. Once they are satisfied, it is sent to another tutor who checks it for possible mistakes. So by checking it twice, first by the tutor who solved it and then by another tutor (two tutor advantage), we ensure that the solution is accurate/correct.